Over the past two days alone, I’ve received two emails about the year 2012. One includes channelled information about the Mayan predictions in regard to this period. These said the world is not about to come to an end. But there are numerous books which interpret the writing of this Central American culture as stating very clearly that our days are numbered. I also received a request from one of the newspapers for which I write asking me to comment on the rumours now circulating not as a result of these books, but because Hollywood has capitalised on them and produced a film, coming out on November 12, about exactly this – the world coming to an end.
Should you be living in a cave and have missed the publicity, it’s called “2012.” Clearly the company which made the film wants to recoup their investment before the date the world comes to an end, so they’ve undertaken an intense marketing campaign. However, they won’t have had to do much, because the internet has been buzzing with discussion about this year, and about the date December 12, 2012 for ages. Presumably, those who’re convinced things really will end then are running up their credit card bills with the sure knowledge they’ll never had to pay them because, like in the movie, the will be an almighty geological meltdown and nobody (except the stars of the film) will survive. If I sound cynical, it’s not just that I grew up in Hollywood, amongst those who made, and publicised, films of every variety. I’m also observing human nature with a jaundiced affection. I’m particularly remembering the rumours, concerns and dramas that accompanied the millennium, the years in the run up to 2000, when there were serious concerns about whether our computer based world could cope with the digital shift from dates that began 19xx and instead started 2xxx.
Since we’re still here and even more of our lives are based on computers, both the programmes and we, as a group, seem to have survived. But I’m most drawn to think about our desire, as beings who came here to learn – or at least that’s what I believe – to escape the lessons life presents to us with stunning regularity. When working with private clients, and we’re discussing seriously challenging issues as depicted in their astrological charts, I’m often conscious that they’re rather the earth open up, then and there, than have to contend with the dilemma facing them. We all long for a quick fix. Or for escape, which the end of the world would achieve. In discussing escape, I’m reminded of a tactfully worded response from the channelled entity, Emmanuel*, who was asked whether the world was about to end.
He replied, “Dear children, do you expect you’ll be let out of school so early?” It was, and remains, a gentle reminder that we are all here to learn, and often those lessons are from life’s challenges, not its pleasures. Ironically, Emmanuel and his channelled “colleagues” all remind us that the more we align with the positive – in the face of everything from difficulties in our personal lives to the current fascination with disaster movies – the less power to create negativity these have. They’ll referred to this as the time of “Ascension,” that is, instead of things going completely wrong, we’ll advance, we’ll be closer to our source, know our divine origin better.
It’s a choice we all make. Every day. Every minute. Go see the movie if you enjoy a good scare. But when you leave, pause and ensure you regain control your thinking, your life, and your future.
*Emmanuel’s Book, Compiled by Pat Rodegast & Judith Stanton, Bantam New Age