


Mon 10 February - 2025

The last thing you want is to disappoint anybody. However, recent and rather sudden developments are forcing you to substantially alter longstanding plans youve regarded as settled. Despite that, go with the flow. While unsettling in the short term, within only a few days, youll realise what a wise decision that was.


Sun 09 February - 2025 To Sat 15 February - 2025

As a cautious earth sign, whatever you're planning or dealing with, currently doing or organising, you're always thinking ahead. While usually that's wise, judging by the current unsettled but promising mood, you're better off exploring everything that comes your way. Decisions?ideally, they should wait. If they're unavoidable, regard them as an experiment, rather than a lasting commitment.  Discussions and details can and should wait. 


February - 2025

While, as a practical Taurus, you've been well aware certain changes are inevitable, but so far, you've managed to avoid anything overwhelming. Still, several of these can't, and shouldn't, remain as they are. The solution? Get others involved, especially those who're good at making tentative plans. Then proceed. Plunge in, but ensure that, if necessary, you can conduct a swift, and top to bottom reorganisation of those plans.

Year to Come


For ages you've been aware that, as much as you've benefitted from certain alliances, plans and projects, it's time to leave these in the hands of others and turn your attention to very different, but potentially rewarding, activities or arrangements. The challenge in 2025? Where and how to begin. The solution involves yielding to destiny's choices. Risky as going with the flow seems initially, again and again discussions, ideas and encounters, and the resulting plans, will make it clear that you've chosen the best options, for now and for the future.