


Sat 27 July - 2024

You don’t regard yourself as being stubborn and, mostly, you’re not. However, once you’ve found a way to get things done well and, ideally, without pointless distractions, you prefer to keep things that way. While, in the past that worked, changes in circumstances will require a top to bottom rethink.


Sun 21 July - 2024 To Sat 27 July - 2024

The problem isn’t the power struggles you’re facing. Many are all too familiar yet remain a source of conflict. Out of character as giving in to others or destiny itself may be, it’s the ideal first step to dealing with these knowledgably and with authority. The challenge?  Ensuring both plans and your thinking are flexible enough that you can make far-reaching changes within hours, if not minutes.


July - 2024

Appealing as the idea of making a single lasting plan may be, judging by July’s unsettled planetary activity, life’s about exploration. While challenging in the short term, what you learn and who you encounter will be informative now but lead to unexpected, yet worthwhile, changes. Knowing that, do something out of character and say ‘yes’ first, then think about details later. Equally, get others involved. They, too, will benefit from those twists and turns.

Year to Come


Being ruled by the planet of harmony and beauty, Venus, life’s about living well and creating harmony with those around you, at home and out in the world. However, certain exciting, but unsettling, changes began last year continue during 2024. While, initially, they’ll seem disruptive, you’ll soon recognise them as breakthroughs, and decide to go with the flow. Adopt this approach with sudden ideas or offers, too, and you’ll soon be broadening your horizons in wonderful ways.