Wed 11 December - 2024
Sun 08 December - 2024 To Sat 14 December - 2024
Being a practical earth sign, you're usually the first to spot and begin seeking solutions for persistent, but often misinterpreted, problems. The issue? Because certain individuals regard themselves as well informed, they aren't double-checking their facts. The solution? Get as many as possible together for a brainstorming session. This won't just end the persistent confusion you've been battling, at long last you and others will realise that, because you're working together again to achieve the shared goals and objectives, you'll regain those feelings of harmony, and soon, everything else will fall into place.
December - 2024
For ages, you've been discussing and refining future plans. Now, suddenly, events are cornering you into taking action. While, inevitably, you'll be uneasy, if not actually anxious about changes, especially those being made suddenly However, they're not only timely, they're inevitable. Knowing that, adopt a new, if not revolutionary, approach. That, in turn, leads to you doing exactly that - making one move, then another, and all with entirely unexpected enthusiasm. Details? Ensure whatever you organise can be rethought, if not dramatically changed, possibly more than once. Tedious as rethinking existing ideas and future plans may seem now, within days, you'll be enjoying it.
Year to Come
Being ruled by the planet of harmony and beauty, Venus, life’s about living well and creating harmony with those around you, at home and out in the world. However, certain exciting, but unsettling, changes began last year continue during 2024. While, initially, they’ll seem disruptive, you’ll soon recognise them as breakthroughs, and decide to go with the flow. Adopt this approach with sudden ideas or offers, too, and you’ll soon be broadening your horizons in wonderful ways.