


Thu 18 April - 2024

Every once in a while, you get caught up in debates about matters that are of considerable importance to others but, in truth, are unimportant to you. Say exactly that. Explain that while you understand how crucial these are to certain individuals, you’re going to back off and leave things to them.


Sun 14 April - 2024 To Sat 20 April - 2024

As March ends and you move into the month of April, you’ll be juggling a series of planetary twists and turns, some compounded by past misunderstandings or mistakes, but many nothing more than confusing. What’s more, once you understand they’re unlikely to come together until the Scorpio Full Moon, on the 23rd, you’ll stop worrying and continue to explore your options. After that, both the facts and your feelings will be so clear there’ll be no question what’s next.


April - 2024

While those individuals and activities you care about most often take priority, recently you’ve had to juggle a range of tricky situations, some minor but time-consuming, others of greater significance, but all important. Now, finally, as April begins, the pace slows enough you can review your past efforts, recognise with relief how well they worked, then relax. In fact, bizarrely, that might be your biggest challenge. Still, you’ll soon recognise that a break - that is, time off to enjoy life - is well-deserved. 

Year to Come


No sign is better at dealing with, if not overcoming, challenging situations, something you’ve done over the past years. Now, however, amazing if unsettling developments appear. Some are expected, but others are a complete surprise. Explore them, ideally with an open mind. You’ll learn from them all but may surprise yourself by what you decide to go for.