Fri 24 January - 2025
Sun 19 January - 2025 To Sat 25 January - 2025
Of the twelve signs of the zodiac, you're not only the most observant, you also have an amazing talent for devising solutions for even seriously tricky situations For now, explore your options and in great depth. As time-consuming as this will be now and over the coming weeks, once things are settled, you'll be confident those arrangements will last.
January - 2025
After several months of tricky, and often unmanageable, situations you're not only making progress, things are going far better than, only recently, you'd have imagined possible. Enough, in fact, you're exploring options that, only recently, would have seemed impossible. Now, things are going your way. Yet you're wary. This is about trust and, especially,going with the flow. Do exactly that, and you'll be amazed how everything else begins to fall into place, almost as if by magic.
Year to Come
While it's true, of the twelve star signs, you're the most discreet and diplomatic, every once in a while you realise that, in being so discreet, you've confused others and, equally, yourself. While, ordinarily, you'd withdraw to reflect, you correctly sense certain individuals are better informed about several tricky questions than you are. What's more, several of them would respond positively to exactly the variety of conversations you've been avoiding. Unappealing as the idea is, plunge in. Raise these issues now, and be frank.Within days, if not hours, you'll have cleared these up and, better yet, created a new and very welcome sense of harmony between you.