Fri 28 March - 2025
Sun 23 March - 2025 To Sat 29 March - 2025
Few things excite you more than discovering an exciting idea, or plans to pursue and, ideally, sharing with process with others. The problem? You're all too busy. Actually, this is destiny telling you to review your schedule and priorities. Once you begin, you'll realise just how long overdue this was, and you'll be promising yourself you'll do it regularly.
March - 2025
While you're by no means rigid in your thinking, about undoing past arrangements or, as appears to be the case now, the plans you, and in some cases, others, are making a part of your life, twists and turns are inevitable. While you and others recognise most of these as timely and, better yet, as being uncomplicated, certain individuals are determined to find fault with these. If they're determined to complain or worse, rouse anxieties in others, let them, but remain nearby so, should the resulting dramas become overwhelming, you can at least distract those who are most concerned. Make that your priority now and over the next few days, and within a short time, those who were struggling will be smiling once again.
Year to Come
Of the twelve signs you're not only easygoing about dealing with the quirks and puzzling passions of others, you enjoy exploring what's behind both their way of thinking and the resulting plans. Now, however, it's all about teamwork and 2025 introduces new, and exciting, encounters. Some broaden your horizons via activities, others, the people you meet.While this won't necessarily come naturally to you, within a short time you'll actually begin to enjoy the process.