


Tue 22 October - 2024

The time has come to say farewell to a once important and, possibly rewarding, cycle of your life. While you’re excited about what’s next, the sentimental side of your nature is struggling to let go. This is no surprise. One of your greatest charms as a Pisces is the part that feels changes in such depth.


Sun 20 October - 2024 To Sat 26 October - 2024

You're in the midst of a period of thrilling and often, profitable exploration and discovery. The challenge? Resisting the temptation to shift your good fortune in the direction of those who're struggling. In a single word: Don't. These ideas, offers and joyous moments are yours, and yours alone, to share if you wish to or, out of character as it would be, to enjoys yourself, and without a moment's guilt.


October - 2024

You rarely think of it, but as a Pisces you’re an idealist, that is, you hope for the best for others and, equally, you’re a perfectionist. This also means that, your own plans or those made jointly with others, must be of a certain standard. However, recent and ongoing developments are forcing an extensive rethink. Do exactly that. While, ordinarily you’d regard changes as a compromise, you’ll soon realise how wise they are.

Year to Come


For ages, you’ve adopted a tactful approach to tricky situations and those involved in them. However the influence of wise yet tough Saturn in Pisces from 7 March, shifts your focus. Soon you’re taking a tough stance and where unsure, checking the facts with those who’re well informed. This, in turn, eliminates anxieties from enjoyment of life’s pleasures.