


Sat 21 December - 2024

Of the twelve signs of the zodiac, you're best equipped to deal with the range of tensions and misunderstandings currently triggering confusion in a range of settings, some unimportant but others crucial. In every case, forget about seeking a universally appealing solution and do what works for you. As important, tempting as it is to justify your decisions to others, instead proceed quietly and with confidence. Adopt that approach and the rest will fall into place, as if by magic.


Sun 15 December - 2024 To Sat 21 December - 2024

Appealing as current ideas and offers are, they’re sudden if not unsettling. While you’re eager to investigate these, there’s no time. This means plunging in or letting them go. This once, take a chance. Within days, if not hours, you’ll realise how wise that was. So much so, in fact, you’ll revisit several recent situations where you said ‘no’ and are now regretting it.


December - 2024

Being a Libra, you not only benefit from the instinctive charm that comes with being ruled by the charing planet, Venus, you've an amazing talent for, on one hand, defusing potentially tricky situations but at the same time, you're well aware that certain increasingly tricky matters will require attention, if not a serious rethink. The problem? You're short of ideas. Ask others for their thoughts. You'll be amazed and relieved both by what you learn and, even more, by other's suggestions.

Year to Come


As much as you enjoy chatting with others about things to do and places to go, actually turning those ideas into plans can be challenging. Recently, certain events forced you to find a way, ideally without upsetting anybody.  Now that skill applies to new areas of your life and, equally, with those closest.