


Mon 10 February - 2025

The last thing you want to do is say farewell to certain arrangements you struggled to organise. Yet events are forcing you to do exactly that. Be aware, however, that destiny is on your side. Within days, if not hours, even unexpected events will fall into place, as if by magic.


Sun 09 February - 2025 To Sat 15 February - 2025

For ages you've managed to sidestep certain persistent, if not irritating, issues yet prevent them becoming a drama. That's mostly because others feel the same, and are eager to put off dealing with these. Still, they won't vanish, so begin giving your strategy some thought and equally, discuss it with others who're also involved.


February - 2025

Because you'll already have spent much of January untangling, and dealing with the problems of others, Libra, the odds are good you'll have tackled, if not overcome, several tricky situations. Tempting as it is to stick with arrangements as they are, yet more changes aren't just wise, they'll lead to timely breakthroughs. The secret? Regard plans as an experiment, an opportunity to learn. Not only will you do exactly that, some of the resulting insights could seem miraculous.

Year to Come


One of your greatest gifts as a Libra is your ability to sense what others are thinking about, from recent concerns to intriguing ideas. What's more, you've an amazing knack for spotting, raising and discussing these matters, and so diplomatically that what would otherwise be tricky encounters seem like an everyday exchange of ideas. This year, however, it's time to raise matters that, thus far, you've successfully avoided. You're right in sensing the timing is perfect. The challenge? You're unclear about your own objectives. Actually, that's exactly what you need to discuss. Strange as it seems, others won't just be delighted to talk things over, the resulting conversations will achieve far more than you dared hope for.