


Sat 27 July - 2024

Long ago you realised that, while you’re very fond of certain individuals, their struggled with emotional ups and downs. Sometimes these are severe. That seems to be the case now. The solution? Quietly but firmly take over. Waste no time on discussion. Move swiftly. In this particular situation, it’s the only solution.


Sun 21 July - 2024 To Sat 27 July - 2024

As a determined and, at times, somewhat theatrical Leo, once you’ve decided on a plan, you’ll stick with it until things come together as you intended. However, with the foundation on which several arrangements are based shifting, you’re urged to adopt an uncharacteristically easygoing approach. Explore absolutely everything. What seems least promising initially will turn out best in the long run.


July - 2024

You’re urged to regard July as an adventure. Changes in circumstances will mean rethinking even seemingly simple plans. Acknowledge that, and instead of complaining, you’ll enjoy the resulting juggling act. Better yet, you’ll begin to appreciate what you learn and who you meet. If there’s any challenge, it’s backing off and allowing destiny to handle both changes in existing plans and to set your future goals. Within a short time, however, you’ll realise how wise this was.

Year to Come


Although most Leos have a dramatic side, you work hard to ensure the rest of your life is stable and, in fact, often battle changes. So it’s vital you know this year’s many twists and turns are timely, often leading to thrilling, although unexpected, progress. If you can’t say ‘yes’, at least explore what, and who, comes your way. The more you learn, the more enthusiastic you’ll be. Better yet, shake-ups lead to thrilling encounters and activities.