


Thu 25 April - 2024

Long ago you learnt that while certain individuals don’t just enjoy last minute changes in plans, they welcome the excitement they bring. However, as you’re now discovering, not everybody is as flexible and, unfortunately, you’re currently dealing with somebody who automatically battles rearranging anything. The solution? Quietly make those changes in the background.


Sun 21 April - 2024 To Sat 27 April - 2024

If you’re into astrology, you’re probably already aware that your ruler, Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde, or appears to be moving backwards in the heavens. While this is an optical illusion, you’ll still be facing a range of tricky, if not puzzling, situations. The solution? Take things slowly, more than comes naturally to you. Within days you’ll realise how wise this strategy was.


April - 2024

As a Gemini, you’ve a gift for turning even the trickiest of situations to your advantage. However, with the foundation on which your plans are based shifting, probably more than once, you’ll invest a lot of time and energy keeping up with things. Once you realise it’s not about creating lasting plans but responding in ways that allow you to ride out those twists and turns, you’ll begin to enjoy them. You should. Some are taking you in directions as thrilling as they are unexpected. 

Year to Come


You’re inquisitive, so enjoy in meeting and getting to know others, often people who broaden your circle in magical ways. Now, however, you must come first. This is about what, and who, to focus on and, equally, where decluttering is necessary. Initially you’ll put things off.  But once you begin, it will be a relief, and give you more time for yourself