


Mon 10 February - 2025

Having invested a great deal of time, thought, and in certain situations heart, in organising joint arrangements, obviously you wont be happy about making changes. Still, explore these, on your own, but also seek the guidance of those who you respect. What you learn will be as thrilling as it is unexpected.


Sun 09 February - 2025 To Sat 15 February - 2025

As a practical earth sign, you'll often base decisions on past experience, combibed with an extensive investigation of where certain seemingly qort plans would take you. Yet with so much changing so swiftly at the moment, the cautious, conservative Capricorn side of your nature is focused on gathering facts, not promising tales of others. Actually, you're better off even longstanding arr as subject to change. Yes, that means adopting an uncharacteristically easygoing attitude about the coming twists and turns. While unsettling at moment, the long term benefits promise to be as rewarding as they will be unexpected.


February - 2025

As you begin the month of February, you'll look back on the past months' twists and turns with unexpected gratitude. Why? Each will have forced you to, at long last, get clear answers for persistent issues. Be patient. What you learn will be amazingly informative.

Year to Come


For thousands of years, the Sun's move into the sign of Capricorn hasn't just ushered in a change in the season, but it's accented the power and importance of sacred ritual, each accenting our relationship with nature and especially, the resulting link to well-being of every variety, from living well to the deepest of spiritual journeys. These may seem unrelated, but each contributes to a deeper understanding of the way in which habits, lifestyle and, especially, the individual's inner world contribute to a life that's rewarding in every way, materially, in terms of personal achievement, sense of well-being and harmony and, especially, spiritually. The trick? Instead of trying to gather all the necessary information in advance as is typical of you, explore in ways that are as out of character as, ultimately, they'll prove to be informative.