


Mon 10 February - 2025

Being a sensitive water sign, youre very familiar indeed with the emotional ups and downs that come with unrealistic planning. Still, others didnt realise how volatile the situation was. Now that everything is clear, all of those involved will adopt a more easygoing approach to organising arrangements, now, and as the weeks and months to come unfold.


Sun 09 February - 2025 To Sat 15 February - 2025

For ages you've managed to sidestep if not entirely avoid even mentioning certain increasingly tricky situations, hoping that others would step in. Now that they have, you're Increasingly concerned about the way things are going. For now, wait and watch. Things will come together, magically, and better yet, in ways as thrilling as they were unexpected. And decisions? Explore absolutely everything, before you narrow your focus.


February - 2025

While, usually, you've a knack for spotting and dealing with urgent changes swiftly, those you're currently facing are as complex as they are important to you. The secret? Take chances but ensure plans can be easily rethought. This then, marks a turning point. Suddenly, you'll have the freedom to take chances on thrilling, but somewhat risky, changes or far-reaching new ideas. Plunge in. You won't regret it.

Year to Come


Appealing as knowing what to expect may be, life's become too predictable, enough you'll welcome the exciting options ushered in by fiery Mars's presence in Cancer until Mid-April 2025. This shakes up restrictive arrangements and, better yet, introduces you to options as unexpected as they are thrilling. Lasting decisions? They can wait. For now, focus on exploration and, especially, on what you can learn from individuals around you and those who you meet. That, in turn, will lead to thrilling ideas, discussions and encounters. After that, you'll feel ready to set out and fulfill your dreams, one by one.