


Fri 26 April - 2024

Annoying and, in fact, time consuming as dealing with recent and, it seems, ongoing changes may be, the good news is that they’re giving you a chance to review certain arrangements you thought you’d just have to live with. If you want to make changes, forget about discussion. Plunge in. You must move swiftly.


Sun 21 April - 2024 To Sat 27 April - 2024

You may not be feeling patient. And, what’s more, you’ve struggled to find ways around several seemingly unsurmountable obstacles. Still, time is passing swiftly and the lack of a result is frustrating. You may not be in the mood to ask for help, but not only are certain individuals eager to lend a hand, their ideas could resolve issues, possibly overnight.


April - 2024

When your ruler Mars moved into the most intuitive portion of your chart last month, on 22 March, you began a cycle that blends imagination with the need to think and act swiftly, especially during April. The trick? Forget about getting things right but, instead, ensure that both plans and your thinking are flexible enough you can reorganise arrangements within minutes, yet are able to examine vital details. At the same time, you’re urged to focus on exploration. What you encounter and who you meet could be life-changing.  

Year to Come


As a restless fire sign, you thrive on action. However, 2024 introduces new, and exciting, encounters. Some broaden your horizons via activities, others, the people you meet. The challenge? You won’t always recognise how you’ll benefit from those activities, studies or even time spent with certain individuals. It’s about plunging in, and allowing experience to guide you. What’s least expected could turn out to be best.