


Fri 24 January - 2025

For ages youve struggled to get certain narrow-minded individuals interested in making timely changes, but with little success. Now finally, theyre going for it. And now, not only you can begin to celebrate your successful efforts, youll realise that certain ideas and ways of dealing with even those whore very stubborn certain will work well, similar, the individuals involved.


Sun 19 January - 2025 To Sat 25 January - 2025

Bring an inquisitive air sign, you're already well-informed about a range of plans and ideas that others are only just now discovering. However, there's still more to come over the coming months. Knowing that ensure both your thinking and your actual arrangements are flexible.


January - 2025

The astrological sign of Aquarius is surprising, and often in ways as unexpected as they are symbolic. For example, although you'd think it's a water sign, the reference is to its symbol, a woman, is to her, the Water-bearer. It's also about exploration and discovery, and in a range of ways and settings. What's more, its link to the Aquarian Age triggers considerable confusion. In every case, it's about having a fresh take on outdated ways of thinking, living and, especially, the spiritual realms. Most of all, it's about a journey of discovery, certainly for those born under the sign but at the moment, it's about broadening each individual's spiritual nature, and in a manner that suits them in terms of lifestyle but even more, personally and philosophically.

Year to Come


As an Aquarius, you've an amazing knack for spotting and taking advantage of exciting new ideas. Not only is that the case now, what and who is coming your way will be just the beginning of a cycle of timely, if occasionally confusing breakthroughs. For now, focus on exploration. Lasting arrangements are important, but they can, and should, wait until you're better informed. Be patient. Achieving that clarity could require considerable patience.